Sunday, December 16, 2007

One More Treatment (This cycle)

Tomorrow we get to go home after one more set of chemotherapy. Yeah! Meredith has been pretty nauseous off and on today. The doctor told us that 5 years ago the chemo she is taking would have annihilated her appetite completely. Thanks to a slew of new meds she has been able to eat some. Tomorrow's post should include some pictures, as we have been snapping away here in Oncology 5k. But now it's late and I am shutting this awesome loaner laptop down and going to sleep. Meredith is already most of the way there.

Oh, I almost forgot. We got the results of the base-line scans they did on Wed. Nothing remarkable to report (other than the obvious). At the rate that this has been growing and spreading we were a little anxious to get our results. Praise God it hasn't spread anywhere else.