Wednesday, August 6, 2008

A Second Opinion

I finally got a phone call from the dermatology office. They said the punch biopsy they took from my hand week before last came back inconclusive. They will be sending it to OHSU for a second opinion. It's not a big deal and I'm sure it'll all turn out alright, but it bothers me when specialists need a second opinion on something they thought looked fairly run-of-the-mill. Oh well, it's kind of par for the course. At least the dermatologist was confident that the lumpy mole I was concerned about was nothing to be concerned about. I'll let you know what I find out. They said they'd get back to me in 7 to 10 days.


Anonymous said...


I want you to know that i am thinking about you everyday and pray that you are doing all right. I am so sorry that i haven't called in awhile but I never know what your schedule is like and if you are even up for talking. I will call you this weekend to catch up and see how you are feeling. Love you.

Lori Elliott said...


This has happened to me a couple of times too. I had to back in once for them to take more tissue sampling around the area and that came back clean so they didn't worry about the "inconclusive," results the first time around. I think you'll be fine :-) You just aren't the "text book," type of gal, Mer! You like to keep them all guessing :-)

Love you,

Anonymous said...

Hi Meredith,

You continue to be in my prayers, and I check back here to see how you're doing. Funny how you are brought to mind sometimes...i.e. I was watching TV and saw a blurb on the doughnut shop your husband was either taking pictures of or doing a class project for the night I was at your house??? I can't remember the name of it, but they put bacon on their maple bars. Like I said, strange ways that God reminds me to pray for you! :o)

~Janet Syverson

Lori Elliott said...

Well, I am hoping no news is good news on the results of your mole biopsy. What's the update?
